Tag - hygiene cam model

Hygiene Tips For Cam Models

Hygiene for Webcam Models

​Keeping up with your health and hygiene is incredibly important for anyone, but extra important for cam models. If your body isn’t healthy, you may not be able to work. There are lots of little tips and tricks that you can do to keep your body at it’s best.​ You really have to pay attention to everything that you put on and in (giggity) your body. From the type of soap you use to the material of toys you use, it’s important to know your own body and do everything you can to keep it healthy.

When first starting out as a cam model, it’s a good idea to get several toys that are all made out of different materials. Even if you just buy cheap ones at first, it’ll give you the opportunity to see which materials feel the best for you. You’ll also be able to find out if your body doesn’t react well to certain materials. Some models buy expensive toys right off the bat and then end up being allergic to them. They have to either throw them away at that point or put a condom over them. And let’s face it, guys don’t want to see you fucking a dildo with a condom on it.

After finding out which materials work best for you, keeping up with cleaning your toys is incredibly important. You should clean your toys every single time that you use them. Some toys such as glass ones and silicone ones can be boiled. This will kill any germs and bacteria. But good old soap and water will do the trick too for most toys. Use a gentle soap and be sure to completely rinse your toys off after using soap. You don’t want to get that soap inside of you because it could lead to an infection. You also want to make sure you completely dry your toys after each washing. Leaving them wet could cause mold or bacteria to grow on them. When you aren’t using your toys, you should store them in a cool, dry place. Either space them out or get some kind of individual storage unit for each toy. You don’t want them touching each other. Some toys don’t react well when touched by other toys, and you may end up ruining them. There are also cleaners made specifically for toys. These are a good option too. Although you really should wash your toys after each use, some models use baby wipes to clean them off in between shows and then actually wash them or boil them at the end of the night. This isn’t a bad option, and baby wipes can really come in handy if you have toys that are particularly attracted to dust and fuzz.

Some models will do oil or lotion shows. Depending on the type of oil you use, it may not be the best idea to get any inside of your vagina. It may lead to an infection. The same goes for lotion. You should never put lotion inside of you. Some girls make the mistake of filling their squirting dildos with lotion. Terrible idea! Use watered down, plain yogurt instead.

If you do a lot of bath shows, you may also be susceptible to infections. To help prevent them, try using soaps and bubble baths from the baby aisle. These are specifically designed to be used on sensitive skin. You won’t have to worry about them irritating you. I also recommend using baby soap for shaving. It’ll help prevent irritation and leave your skin smooth and moisturized.

Another good habit to get into is showering after you’re done camming. If one of your toys or even your fingers were a little dirty, you’ll prevent anything from going wrong down there with a quick rinse off in the shower. Also, if you start to feel sore or swollen during your shows, take a little break or switch to a wand vibrator for awhile. The last thing you want is to be in pain while working or have to take the next day off because you went too hard the night before.

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