Fitness and Health Tips for Cam Models

In the webcam world, there are a variety of shapes and sizes of cam models. No longer are women required to be totally stick-thin (not that there’s anything wrong with that at all) to sell themselves online. Men have varying tastes in what they want from their dream woman and the cam world is roomy enough for everyone to jump in.

health and fitness tips

While camming is definitely more inclusive than it has ever been, the women (and men) working as cam models still have to look after themselves first and foremost, both physically and mentally. There are thousands of things you have to do to be successful and unlike other jobs, there is no HR department or training to watch out for you. Well…you do have to obey the rules of each platform, that’s for sure. but it’s far less strict than a traditional 9 to 5 job.

And truthfully, nobody wants to look at or pay for a show from anyone who is a hot mess, no matter what their size, shape, or appearance. I don’t mean you have to be model-perfect, but you definitely have to have yourself and your environment “right and tight” if you want to be a successful cam model and make that bank.

That’s why today’s article tackles an important topic in camming: keeping yourself fit and healthy. If you’re new to the cam world, or you’ve been camming for a bit and feeling burnt out, give these fitness and health tips for cam models to improve your cam game and make sure that you’re taking care of yourself.

fitness for cam girls

Physical Fitness and Health Tips for Cam Models

The healthier you are, the more you’ll be able to work, which means the more money you’ll be able to make. Camming can involve long hours and just like other careers, can take a toll on your physical and mental health if you’re not careful. Here are the 8 best tips to keep yourself healthy and fit.

eat a balanced diet

#1: Eat a balanced diet.

This tip isn’t only for cam models. Everyone, to be healthy, should follow a common-sense, balanced diet. There are probably thousands of diets out there you can choose from, and what works for you won’t work for the next gal out there.

I’m not a registered dietitian, but what I do know is that you can’t eat thousands of calories a day of junk and expect to have the energy required to perform on a cam. For me, a diet high in veggies, lean protein, and fruit most of the time (80% of the week) works great. Of course, I have a sweet tooth and I do splurge once in a while (20% of the time), but I try to reign that in, so I don’t start getting pudgy.

If you are worried about your diet, I would highly recommend a nutritionist or dietitian to help balance it out and find out what works for you.

Exercise everyday

#2: Get enough exercise.

I’m not going to lie to you, I hate exercising. Like really hate it. It’s time-consuming, drudgery that just doesn’t seem to ever become fun for me. But, I also personally hate having big hips and stomach rolls, so I know I have to do some form of physical fitness just about every day.

Exercise should be something you enjoy doing (at least that’s what the experts say), so if that’s swimming, weightlifting, running, joining a gym, riding a bike (I have a Peleton), or just walking every day, that’s the right exercise for you. Not only will it help keep you fit and fabulous, but it will also help get you away from your workspace and clear your mind. And if you’re not sure where to start, a personal trainer can help.

Just remember, while a trainer might be expensive, you’re investing in your brand (yourself) so it’s worth it. Oh, and no amount of exercise is going to fix a bad diet, so tips #1 and #2 go hand-in-hand.

drink water to stay hydrated

#3: Stay hydrated.

I’m not trying to be your annoying mom, but you must stay hydrated. Water is life and so many models forget to drink enough. Not only will it keep you feeling good, but it will also keep your body running right and your skin looking clear and plump.

When you’re working, keep a bottle of water by your side and when you’re not working, chug that liquid gold; at least a half-gallon every single day.

take breaks

#4: Take breaks.

Camming is your job, not your life. Many cam models make the mistake of spending every waking moment thinking about their cam shows, the things customers have said, or the fact that the traffic to their shows is lacking. Of course, you do have to think about these things to make sure you’re making money, but you do have to have an outside life as well.

It is very important that you step away from the computer and the webcam frequently. Find things you enjoy doing in your downtime and do them. When you’re off from working your shows, stay off of the computer and just do you.

I’d like to mention that major companies like Chevron often require that employees take breaks and get off the computer for 15 minutes or so throughout the day. They know that staying seated and working non-stop is less productive and unhealthy. Multi-billion dollar companies cannot be wrong and they’re not making suggestions without doing research, so take that for what it’s worth.

Not only will it give you a breather, but it will also help keep your head clearer.

talk to others

#5: Have someone you can talk to.

Working from home can be very isolating, even if you’re doing shows for people who are talking to you. You don’t have any coworkers to vent to and it can be hard to find people that understand what you’re going through on your bad days. That’s why I recommend having someone that you can trust to talk to.

This may be difficult for you if you’re hiding what you’re doing from those that you know and love, I get it. But you definitely need someone that will listen, offer advice, and be a sounding board when things go awry and a cheerleader when things are going well. Camming isn’t something to be ashamed of, however, if you don’t have one person in your life that will be supportive, there are always apps and other online options to find someone to talk with.

Clean Desk

#6: Keep your toys and workspace clean.

I really wish I didn’t have to write this one out, but unfortunately, I do. Gurls, keep your toys, workspace, and anything else you’re using in shows C-L-E-A-N. There is nothing more disgusting than a show where you can see stains on bedding, the toys look caked in lady-goo, and things just look unsanitary.

If you’re using silicone or hard plastic, wash with warm water and soap or a toy disinfectant. Glass and stainless-steel items can be washed in the dishwasher. Bedding should be bleached when possible and thrown away if the stains aren’t coming out and nylon or leather should be spot-cleaned and laid out to dry.

You also want to disinfect that gross keyboard and your computer and anything else you might touch during a show. The average keyboard has five times the amount of bacteria and viruses than a toilet according to the CDC. To say that’s gross is an understatement.

Make it a habit to keep your environment clean and you’ll keep yourself from getting sick and you won’t be putting on shows that look second-rate. You’ll also keep your lady-bits from getting irritated and having other issues that can knock you out of the cam shows for a bit of time until things are back up to par if you know what I mean.

std check ups

#7: Keep yourself checked for STI’s/STD’s.

This is good practice for everyone who is sexually active and there is no shame in keeping that information current. But, this is even more important for those cam models who are playing with other people in their shows. It doesn’t matter if you’re “only playing with women” either, women can spread sexually transmitted diseases just as easily as men can.

Please, this is your life and no amount of money is worth dying over. Only play with someone that can provide proof (that’s current) that they are clean and if you’re going to share toys, keep them clean and strongly consider using condoms on the toys, and/or with the other person as well.

28 day menstrual cycle

#8: Plan for menstrual cycles.

If you’re having periods, you’re probably wondering what the heck you can do during that week in your cam shows. Well, you actually have a few options.

First, you could totally go low-key during that week and limit what you do. This could include things like:

  • Using toys over your underwear
  • Clitoral stimulation while focused on your face as you orgasm
  • Blow jobs on toys/with partner
  • Oil/sensual massage show

If you still want to perform, you can do that too with a little planning. Tampons with a cut string can easily be hidden from view, although this will only allow for clitoral stimulation. You can use a Diva Cup, which allows for some stimulation with a toy or your fingers, just be careful you don’t bump the cup out of place.

There are different types of birth control that make menstrual cycles lighter or completely take them away, as well. Talk to your gynecologist about what would work for best for you, but your options include a sponge (please do not use a bath sponge, this is a special type of birth control), an IUD, and some types of birth control pills.

Conclusion: Taking Care of You is Important

As a cam girl, your brand is you. For you to make money, you need to make sure that you’re healthy, looking your best, and feeling good, mentally and physically. If even one of these things is “off,” it can not only affect your shows, it can ruin your cam career before you’ve even got it going. So, my dears, make sure you’re doing everything possible to take care of your fitness and health and I promise you, it will make your cam shows better and bring in those bigger bucks to your bank account.

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Sarah G

I've been a fulltime webcam girl for 6 years now. I've used a range of different webcam sites, apps and everything else. I enjoy the business because I am able to set my own schedule. I started howareyoubb to help people avoid some of the missteps I made while starting out.

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