Building A Fan Base

Okay, so today I’m going to be talking about building a solid fan base. It’s not easy, but definitely not impossible. Building a solid fan base takes time and dedication. But there are tips and tricks to help increase your social reach and help get your name out there. Social media is your best friend! Your fans like to keep up with you and feel like they have a real connection with you. One way they can do this is by following your social media accounts and interacting with you on there. Three social media outlets that you definitely should be utilizing are Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.

building a fanbase

Building A Webcam Fan Base

Some models generate the majority of their paying customers from Instagram. Instagram is very visual and quickly draws people in. Since Instagram doesn’t allow nudity, potential customers will see your suggestive photos and want to see more. That’s when they start to check out your bio, where you can list your website address, camming profile, or profile to your clip store.

Instagram is pretty strict when it comes to adult content, but don’t let that scare you away. As long as you keep the adult hashtags to a minimum and don’t post any nudity, you’ll be fine. Lingerie and teasing pictures are ok. You also don’t want to go overboard posting NSFW links.

Post your main link in your bio and mention it in your photo captions to check out your bio for your link if they want to see more. One trick with Instagram that a lot of models do is to delete photos after several days. Since you’ll only pop up in people’s feeds when you make new posts, you can just repost those same pictures over and over again.

Twitter Can Lead To Cash Money

Twitter can generate a lot of paying customers also if you use it correctly. Make sure you’re posting as often as you can! Your fans like to stay up-to-date with what you have going on in your life. Not everything you post has to be sexual or an advertisement. You can post just normal, everyday things that you’re doing throughout the day.

If someone can relate to you, they’re more likely to engage. You can post nudity on Twitter, but just make sure that you go into your settings and mark your content as sensitive. This way only people who want to see NSFW content will see your posts automatically. Anyone else will have to actually click to open your pictures.

A couple of good ways to build your Twitter following is by using hashtags and by following promo accounts and accounts with similar interests as you. If the accounts don’t follow you back within a few days, you can always unfollow them.

You can set up lists on Twitter and add promo accounts to a specific list. Then every few days post a picture and tag the members of that list. Most of the time they’ll retweet you to their followers! Here’s my promo list to get you started: Some only retweet non-nude pictures, so just quickly check out their feed beforehand so you know what kind of picture to tag them in.

Snapchatting Is A Money Grab Too

Snapchat is growing in popularity in the adult world. Nudity is actually not allowed on Snapchat, but rules were made to be broken, right?! Unless you have a serial reporter, you’ll be fine. It’s a good idea to have two Snapchat accounts. One public account and a private one.

Your public one can be used to advertise your website, cam shows, clip sites, private Snapchat, etc. And then your private Snapchat account can be where you post nudity and charge your fans for access. Takeovers are also growing in popularity on Snapchat. A takeover is basically when someone has a promo Snapchat account that they give you access to for a certain amount of time. You can use it to advertise and gain some new fans.

Building A Fan Base

Keep With It – Regardless

Social media aside, staying consistent on cam is very important for building a fan base. Set a schedule and stick to it. If something comes up and you can’t get on during your scheduled time, be sure to let your fans know on social media and maybe post a picture or something to hold them over until you can get on.

If you spend too much time off cam, some fans will start to lose interest and move on to the next model.

New Content = New Money Opps

Putting out new content on a regular basis is another way to keep and build your fan base. If you have a website, be sure to update it at least once a week. And try to post new videos and photosets to any clip sites you’re on also. Know who your fans are and what they like. It’s a good idea to have a niche and stick to it.

If you find that your best-selling videos are humiliation clips, focus on humiliation clips. If something is working for you, keep it up! If you don’t already have one, you should consider a blog. This is another great tool to engage your fans and it helps with SEO too!

Don’t get frustrated if you don’t notice hundreds of people following you or in your cam room when you first start. Gaining a following takes time. But with the tips in this article, you’ll be noticing an increase in no time!

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I've been webcamming on and off for the better part of 4 years. I've learned a lot about the business and continue to do so daily. Feel free to email me with any questions you have and I will answer them promptly.

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