Author - Sarah G

Losing Motivation as a Webcam Model

It’s a sad tale. One that happens to millions of people around the world on a daily basis. Your HBIC (head bitch in charge) who you thought you had a bond with has up and left you. No note, no phone call, no bittersweet kiss or goodbye sex…just gone. Who is this flighty yet seductive mistress? Motivation.

Motivation & What To Do When You Lose It

What does motivation even mean? It’s so easy to throw the word around and pretend that it doesn’t have this massive weight on your shoulders that can come along with it, but honestly finding motivation can be difficult. Not to mention the fact that once you find it and you’re on top of the world until suddenly you realize that keeping motivation is a whole different beast entirely.

Like it or not, motivation is an integral part of what makes people successful. All of us, but it’s especially important to remember that motivation is NOT the end all be all of getting things done. Especially in the cam world, where you are completely in charge of your own schedule, motivation can be hard to come by for the majority of us, the majority of the time.

Trust and believe that I am the laziest cam girl you will ever meet. Even today I have been procrastinating getting ready to get on cam because the motivation just Isn’t There. I’m sure you all can relate to having zero drive to spend all the time to get dolled up, get on cam and entertain the world with your magical vagina and sparkling wit. It’s hard, and sometimes it downright sucks.

So what do you do when motivation has left you and all you can think about is laying on your couch with the only two men you need? (I’m speaking about Ben & Jerry’s of course) Well, it’s not an easy answer, and honestly, it’s not one that is going to be cut and dry. Different strokes for different folks and all that. However, I can tell you what works for me and maybe it will give you some ideas to try on your own.

Look at fancy things.

I know this could mean literally anything, and might sound a little silly but I LOVE searching for houses that are for sale/rent that would be in my price range if I consistently worked my schedule. Clothing that I know I would have the money to buy if I could just stick to actually getting my ass on cam. Fast cars and nice vacations. Really anything that strikes your fancy will

do, but when the motivation is lacking sometimes all it takes it to look at something that could be within your reach if you just got up and got moving.


It helps to have support. So when I’m perfectly content with sitting on the couch and reading my smut, even though my subconscious is niggling in the back of my mind telling me to be an adult and own up to my responsibility of working, it can help in an amazing way to get on a forum and read about how badass the other models are doing.

I like to look at the goal threads or the bragging threads. It helps me to see that other models are out there killing it and reinforces the fact that if I push myself then I too could be the one posting in those threads and motivating other models to go out there and kill it.


Exercise isn’t fun. We all know this, but nobody ever said it was SUPPOSED to be fun. It does however keep you healthy, but that’s beside the point in this scenario. When I am extra lazy it’s really easy for me to slip into a depression and let myself become a complete sloppy mess and not do anything that I said to myself I was going to accomplish.

Now, I know that it takes a whole different type of motivation in itself to get yourself up and exercising, but if you can conquer even 5 minutes of jumping jacks or crunches and get your blood flowing it can help.

Whenever I exercise (especially in the morning) I already feel so accomplished and that I pushed myself and it makes it that much easier to get ready and face the rest of my goals for the day, and then smash them.

Accomplishing goals breeds more accomplishments, and I don’t think anyone would disagree that getting up and exercising even though it isn’t the easiest thing in the world can motivate you enough to make you feel like you can take on the world. Hell anyone who can do 10 burpees in a row or spin for an hour can do great things. #BeastMode


This sounds like it should be so easy, but we all know it isn’t. If you accomplish this then my hat is off to you, because it is still something that I am quite literally working on every day to try and master. IF you set a schedule (ex: Monday-Friday 4 pm-8 pm) then you can treat it like you would any other 9-5 job.

Even on the days that you don’t want to go there, you still do. Pick up your briefcase, down some coffee, and get ‘er done. If you worked for somebody else, you would show up to that job whether or not you had the motivation so that is the same feeling that you need to take with you when you are setting a schedule to get on cam.

These aren’t foolproof, and it’s okay that we all have bad days every once in a while. The key is training your mind to be better than it was yesterday, to push yourself to go the extra mile and do something that you might not want to do. Dedication trumps inspiration, so please just force yourself to do something and you’ll end up motivating yourself. Now stop reading this and go out there and SLAY.

Competition breeds success

Competition between Webcam Models

Competition breeds success. I will take that to the bank, even though half of you reading this will probably disagree with me. I suppose it’s a matter of opinion (even though I’m right!)

What am I referring to when I say that phrase? I’m speaking on why it’s OKAY to help out other models in the industry. It’s OKAY to share trade secrets. It’s OKAY to allow them to succeed along with you. It’s OKAY to let people know about camming, it doesn’t have to always be in the shadows.

Woah.. Calm down. I know that a lot of models will disagree with me on that last point. I have gotten into many debates about whether or not camming should stay exclusive and in the shadows of the deep dark interwebs. A lot of you feel as though the more girls that come in and saturate the industry, the harder it becomes to make money. I see why you would think that, and I don’t disagree that the more saturated the industry the tougher the competition. But I can’t help but feel like saying things like “We don’t want more models!” “Great, another documentary that’s going to bring even more competition” and other ridiculous, whiny statements are a cop out. That’s right, I said it. Deal with it.

When did people start looking at competition like it was a negative thing? You think that the top athletes in the world got there by bitching about how there were so many other athletes that were also good at the sport, so it isn’t fair because now they don’t look as good? No, that’s ridiculous. They trained harder, they adapted to the situation, they learned the weaknesses of their toughest competitors and they turned those weaknesses into their strengths. They succeeded because the competition forced them to become better, stronger, faster. (If you’re listening to a playlist, I recommend Kanye’s Stronger for this segment.)

How about McDonalds? You think they worry themselves over how Burger King and Wendys are doing? You’re damn right they do, but they don’t sit there and bitch about it, all of those companies are constantly innovating to come out with the next best thing.

That’s just the way that the cookie crumbles, and for every time a model complains about competition, a fairy loses its wings.

What it ends up turning into is this ridiculous back and forth of models being their own worst enemy and them trying to tear down other models behind their backs. They don’t want any documentaries to come out because they are afraid that a thousand new girls will show up in the cam world and make them obsolete.

How about instead of holding each other down and hoping that the competition isn’t going to be intense, we all start to raise each other up? How about we start supporting each other, giving each other advice, helping each other make money? How about we raise the bar. Because once that bar is raised is when the industry is going to be held to a higher standard all around. You don’t like the guys that come into your room and ask what they can get for $1? If we all created strong competition, only the best would survive, and the $1 guys would eventually be non existent because the girls charging $1 would either work harder to become one of the best, or wouldn’t be good enough to stay in the industry. We set our own standards.

I understand that for some of you, that might sound harsh, and I’m not denying the fact that it is. I’m also not denying the fact that I would rather work in an industry where it’s the top 1% and it is constantly challenging me to improve my craft so I don’t fall behind, then to work in one where I get to stay stagnant and live in a delusional world where I think I’m the best around.

When I first got into the camming industry, I said that I had never met a group of women that were more supportive than my fellow cam models, and I stick by that statement today. Whether that’s because those are the only types of models that I surround myself with or because I am choosing to highlight the positives over the extreme cattiness and sabotage that can also take place… I’m not sure.

What I am sure of is how sad it makes me to see models tearing each other down instead of building each other up. Seeing models complain about not being able to make money because of what someone ELSE is doing. For the love of god ladies, stop being a victim. Realize that if other models are taking your money it’s because you have been out hustled. Work harder to improve and adapt your hustle, or choose a different career because mediocrity shouldn’t exist within a luxury service. Period.

I don’t know about all of you, but I would rather be the worst cam model out of 100 amazing ones, then the best model out of thousands of mediocre.

Let’s innovate together, and help others become the type of models that we all should be. We’ll all make more money in the long run if the bar is set to a higher standard, and the only way to

Enhancing Yourself As A Product

You’re Not a Person, You’re A Product

There are a few things that happen when I go on the cam-girl forums, twitters and snapchats of the world. The first thing is that I get boobs in my face (on the social media parts, at least) lots and lots of boobs. The second thing I get is annoyed, and I mean that in the most polite way possible. Now, I’m not saying that every cam-girl annoys me by any means, but I get so unbelievably frustrated when I see them complaining about their regulars spending money on others, or how they can’t sell a product to their 60,000 followers on Twitter. Point blank, you’re not a person, you are a product and if you aren’t treating yourself that way, then therein lies the biggest problem.

I know you just read the following words in the paragraph above, but since my entire sermon in the Church of Camgirl Sales revolves around it, let’s just put it in our faces one more time.

You don’t need to take that literal. I mean, you do but not to the point of being a robotic, boring mess with no personality. Of course you’re going to need to have a personality and connect with people on a level that they can develop a sense of loyalty and get to know you. That’s not what I mean by that statement. What I mean is… all of that good “personal” stuff? That stuff that ropes them in and convinces them to spend, is what you’re selling. Your brains, brawn and beauty all wrapped up in a pretty package with a big damn bow on top. You are your own product, therefore you need to learn how to treat yourself as such.

My three biggest tips?

1. Create an Image and stick to it.
When you think of Ferrari what pops into your head? My guess is probably the color red. How about Pillsbury? Nascar? Kim Kardashian?

I could go on, but I think the point I’m trying to make is fairly evident. The Kardashian family is the perfect example. People can say all they want that “they are talentless” but I wholeheartedly disagree. Sure, they aren’t the same type of talent that was needed 20-30 years ago to reach the level of fame and notoriety that they’ve achieved, but it also isn’t 20-30 years ago, and it’s about time that people stopped living in the past and realized that the way consumerism works as a whole has changed. The Kardashians understand that and turned themselves into products in such an amazing way. I mean, they are literally able to sell the idea of THEMSELVES and make millions. In my opinion, that’s some talent. (If that’s not enough for you, they have talent at making money which is the talent I would pick ANY day of the week) They capitalize on the fact that they can post a single picture wearing an outfit, or talking about something and people will run out and fight to death over it in the stores. They create their own demand (which I’ll go over in another piece..which you should probably read… definitely read it. You’re gonna read it, right? LOVE ME!!!!) My point is, they understand the phrase “You’re a product, not a person” perfectly and slay with the execution. (#SlaaaaaaayMama)

I once heard a record producer give advice on how to stand out in any industry. He said that to make it in any industry people have to either be like you or want to be you. Which one are you going to be?

2. Don’t get emotionally invested.
Getting emotionally involved is such a rookie mistake and sadly I see it happen again and again. All too often there is a woe is me story from a cam-girl about how one of her best clients has been going in another girls room spending money, buying another girl presents, giving another girl attention. I’m emphasizing the word another because that’s what you should be doing, also. If your client is with someone else than #ByeFelicia, have fun, Sayonara…because guess what? You’ll find another client. Regulars come and go, that’s just the way of it. Convert someone else, move along. If they aren’t spending on you, then they shouldn’t matter to you.

Woah, woah, woah. Put away your pitchforks and let me elaborate a little. It’s natural that we are all going to like some of our regulars more than others, and form friendships. That’s honestly one of my favorite aspects of camming, it’s amazing getting to know so many different awesome people… but when you start to have expectations of your client, you become no better than a regular who starts to think they are entitled to things because of how much they have spent on you. Don’t be that guy, dude. Just don’t. If they pick up and move along, you do the same. Thanks for the memories, and focus on the future.
And finally…

3. Realize that your social media is your professional portfolio.
I’ll keep this one short and sweet. Aesthetics is an important part of what makes people like what they like and buy what they do. Every food commercial, every clothing line, every professional model is always projecting their best image on commercials, runways and in catalogues. It’s the same thing with your social media. Every picture and post that you make is what people are going to use to create their idea of who you are and what your total image is. So, before posting that pic or tweeting that tweet, make sure it’s something that you would put in a portfolio you were presenting to a job interview, or taking to a potential client. I mean really, when it comes down to it, that’s exactly what it is.

So there you have it. My sage wisdom and advice. You’re welcome. 🙂 (Disclaimer: I’m not 100% sure that I’m all that wise or really the giver of SAGE advice. But hey, it sounds pretty good eh?)

Should I go independent or Not?

Livin’ that Indy Life

Should I go the independent webcam route? Whether this is something you’ve been asking yourself or not, it’s a valid question to bring up. When first considering delving into the Independent cam world, it can be an extremely daunting task. There are so many options out there and it can almost make it seem like you’re drowning.
That’s okay, having no idea where to begin is normal.

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this in other posts or not, but I highly recommend searching around and joining cam-girl forums to learn some tricks of the trade, and be able to connect and talk with other models in the industry who can help you along if you have any questions.

Start by setting yourself up on a directory site like or If you’re wanting to be able to charge per minute without having them pre-pay in full is another option. This is a great way to start building up your clientele through the traffic that the sites have on their own.
When I finally took the plunge and jumped into going Independent, I realized that I shouldn’t have waited so damn long in the first place. Honestly, I’ve never been happier. I was a strictly Streamate girl for a long time, and when the site started to be unreliable, I decided that even though it scared the piss out of me, I was going to bite the bullet and transition as much as possible into Indy. Take control of my own destiny and all that.

I started by talking to some of my other cam girlfriends who I knew were already offering Skype shows. They knew some of the things that would make me not such a bumbling idiot the first time I attempted a show. After they gave me some tricks of the trade, I signed up for I heard great things about them having their own traffic, and figured it would be a great way to start to build up my clientele. Then I started advertising on social media, and lo and behold I got my first show!

I was crazy nervous ya’ll, I’m not even kidding. Felt like a brand new baby cam-girl all over again, but I took deep breaths, a shot of tequila, put on some gangster rap and handled that sh*t.
Truth of the matter? It was fantastic, not only did I get to keep a much higher percentage from the show so I ended up making more, but it was so freeing to not have to worry about rules of the big box site that I normally cam on. After that first show I knew that I was an Indy whore for life. I love being able to just switch my skype availability and have show offers pop up. I can watch television, read, knit, whatever the hell I want, all while I wait for someone who wants a show. Sometimes I log on my big box site and make some money while I’m waiting for a skype show to come through! (Ah! The earning potential! I can’t handle it!)

Once you’ve decided on going forward with Indy camming, it’s worth it to create a payment portal for people to book Skype shows with you in advance. Personally, I use (….which I’ve just started using and am LOVING it!) Setting up a payment portal gives your followers on social media an easy way to book a show with you and pay without having to jump through a million different hoops.

On top of camming on Skype, I also do a lot of Snapchat premium sales and make content to sell independently. The less I have to depend on someone else for my streams of income, the better! (I especially recommend your own payment portal if you sell extras like this; snapchat, panties, signed photos/poster/calenders etc.)

All of that being said, if you don’t have a following independent of whatever site you’re camming on, going Indy can be a struggle at first (at least until you build up your clientele) so if you do decide on dipping your toe into the wonderful pool of Indy, (which I would if I were you) I would stick it out with the site you’re on now, as well. Make it a side ho’ first, and see how you get along with each other. Just like not all cam sites are created equal, neither are cam-girls experiences with Indy. I’ve heard my fair share of stories of models that both hated and loved it. It’s really all going to come down to your personal preference. All I’m sayin’ is .. If you like expanding your money making horizons, then give it a go. What’s the worst that is going to happen? Video Tutorials webcam tutorial

How to Signup On Naked?

In this video we go over the multi page signup form in detail explaining why we need certain items from you etc. The full signup process is extremely quick and efficient.

How to earn Money on Naked?

Ok so you have an account on naked, now how do you make money? In this video we go over the different ways to make money on the naked platform.

How do Camscores work on Naked?

So you have heard of camscore, but how does it work? Camscores take many different things into affect, such as hours worked, money earned and many other factors.

How do I Block on Naked?

For privacy reasons, naked allows you to block certain states, countries or regions. This video shows you how to do it very quickly.

How do I setup my wishlist on naked?

Fans from all over the world love to spoil webcam models, this video shows you how to setup a wishlist with amazon and how to hook it into your account for free gifts etc.

Mia Khalifa Interview

mia khalifa interview

Mia Khalifa Interview

Yes…. she’s back on webcam! only on

Model Profile Link:

Are you able to easily tell new boyfriends/lovers about your work? If yes, how do they react?
I don’t really date but i will have to think about how to breach this subject should it come up. I’ll let you know ;P

How has it changed you in terms of your attitudes to sex and in the bedroom when you are having sex?
It hasnt changed me, but i am a lot more cognizant of what i choose to reveal to people online vs. my partners

What are some of the craziest fantasies that guys come up with?
I think the craziest is when they just want to talk. i’m all for shooting the shit about steph curry and the warriors vs. jordan and the 96 bulls but to think they’re paying for that… baffles me.

What is your opinion on the male species after working in the industry?
Y’all suck. wish i could roll out of bed in the same clothes as yesterday and still look certifiably bangable. and how is it that y’all look sexier AFTER you work out? sweaty and out of breath and …..ugh i need to get laid.

The best thing about being a webcam girl
Roth IRA

Words of wisdom for cam models?
always double check the camera is OFF when you think it is. …..seriously. always.

What is your favorite food?

Steak tartare. guilty pleasure food? pizza with ham and onions

What is something that rocks your world?
an ice cold beer and a great sports rivalry. doesnt even matter the sport just give me bad blood and good beer.

First thing I do when I wake up in the morning:
i cant even function without brushing my teeth. wont even walk my dogs before i do it.

The last thing I do before falling asleep:
brush my teeth. doesnt matter how drunk or tired or comfortable i am. i have to brush my teeth.

Converting Webcam freeloaders into Customers

webcam freeloader

Converting Guys into Customers on Webcam

Convert: Cause to change in form, character or function.

Converting customers is the most important part of your job as a cam model. Without conversions you wouldn’t have anyone. Just think.. Every paying client you have ever had is a conversion. Maybe not from you, but someone else was able to convince them to start spending money. If you don’t make converting customers one of your strongest skill sets than you are absolutely not fulfilling your full potential of a sales goddess.

When you strip away all the lace, frill and dildos, that’s what your job really is. A sales job. In fact, it’s one of the most challenging sales jobs that you could have. A car salesman sells a car because people have to pay to have one. People don’t have to pay for sex. They can get it for free all over the internet and in real life, so it’s up to you to convince them to not only pay for their fap material, but to make you BE that fap material.

My number one recommendation is to always be reading. Research and read books on sales techniques, how to win arguments, psychology on how the brain works, anything that you can think of that will help mold your sales craft into a force to be reckoned with.

Here are a few pro tips to get you started:

1) The Art of Subtle Selling

It doesn’t matter how many followers you have on Twitter, if all you do is post links to your content or your cam site and expect people to just click on the link and buy it every time, you are out of your mind. People don’t want to feel like they are being told to do something. In order to get people to want to purchase your product, they have to first believe in the product. Especially when you are selling yourself, you will get a much higher conversion rate if you spend some time letting them feel like they are getting to know you. Talk with them, have inside jokes, let them into a little bit of your life so they feel like they have a connection beyond the links that you tell them to click.

From there it’s always easier to make a sale. By building connections, you are building brand loyalty, which will make you more popular in the long run. The more popular you are, the easier high volume conversions become. People want what everyone wants, and to make anyone want you, you have to be real to them.

Once you start showing your personality by talking with them, letting them see some of your day on snapchat, hanging out in your cam room, then you’ll be able to start soft selling everything without making them feel like you are pushing for a sale.

“Man, I don’t know why no one in here has gotten my tits out. Whats up with that? I know you want to see them, they’re F**cking phenomenal”

This will create the feeling of them having the idea to tip you for a flash. The key word is their. Was it really their idea? Of course not. You just created the illusion of them coming up with the thought of “Hey, why hasn’t anyone tipped her to flash us? I would definitely want to see her gorgeous, amazing, succulent breasts.” Okay, maybe they wouldn’t think it in those exact words, but you get my point.

Alright, that was a really obvious example but you get what I’m trying to say, don’t you? You don’t always have to say “Let’s go exclusive” You can be creative with it and make them think that it’s their idea. You’ll end up converting people who never would have dreamed of spending their money.

2) You Giveth and You Taketh Away

This is one of my personal favorite tricks. Back when I was a bartender I used this all the time on my bar guests and it worked flawlessly. In a cam room, it works even better.

I’m going to use snapchat as an example, but this will work in any aspect. I keep my snapchat public except for when I switch it to private settings for my premium members. I only allow my premium members to send me messages, but every once in awhile I will announce that I’m going to open up my snaps to chat.

I always get bombarded with messages, and I really just hang out with them and chat back and forth. I don’t mention anything about them buying premium, or purchasing any of my content. After we’ve gotten into the really great parts of the conversation, I close my snaps. Right before I close them I let them know that talking to them was fun and if they were a premium member they would be able to chat with me anytime they wanted, and then I let them know where they can go to buy it.

I do the same thing with Gold Shows on Streamate. I will start a countdown, but if it doesn’t hit my goal then I don’t do gold shows for the rest of the week. This way it lets the guys know that I don’t have to offer them a discounted show, and that I’ll only continue if they make sure to make it worth my while.

This method has always resulted in sales for me. You giveth and then you taketh away. They will want that sunshine to warm them up again, so they’ll pay for it now that they know what it feels like.

3) Hard Sell/Soft Sell

I like to alternate my sales techniques. I’ve messed around with a million different ways to convert new people and the one that works best for me is an on week and an off week of alternating between hard selling and soft selling. The first week I will be constantly pushing my links in their faces, reminding them about where to go and what to buy. Basically, I’m making it impossible for them to forget, opening up my snaps and chatting, running specials and deals. Then the next week I back off, and rarely mention it. Instead of telling them how to buy premium snapchat, I simply let them know that I’m switching over to premium. I’ll make comments about a new video that I’m making, or how much I love getting to read the

custom scripts I get. I’ll open up my snaps and tell people to message me if they have questions about anything, but I don’t elaborate.

By teasing with what they could have but keeping the access to it just out of their reach, almost like they have to work for it, can make them want to have it that much more. Then, when you do give out the information, people will dive for it like it’s the last drop of water in the Sahara, simply because they don’t know when they are going to get it again.

Wax on, wax off young grasshopper.

Abella Anderson Interview

abella anderson interview

Getting to know Abella Anderson

What do you normally do when you are on web cam? How do you feel when you are working?

I love my fans. is a way for me to get one on one time with them and I am willing to do just about anything.When I am done it gives me a great sense of accomplishment and it is a great confidence booster because my viewers fill me with praise!

Are you able to easily tell new boyfriends/lovers about your work? If yes, how do they react?

They have to accept me for who I am and my job is apart of me. If they don’t like what I do, then it’s their loss but they are usually very open to it and find it very sexy.

How has it changed you in terms of your attitudes to sex and in the bedroom when you are having sex?

I am a much more open person now. I understand that each person has different fantasies and likings and I no longer get surprised by what some people may find “strange”.

What are some of the craziest fantasies that guys come up with?

Some guys like to have sex while getting dirty, like in a mud pond. It’s a stimulating experience, to get so wild.

What is your opinion on the male species after working in the industry?

Each man is different. They all have different tastes and different fantasies.

The best thing about being a webcam girl

The best thing about Webcamming is that it’s very safe. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want and on naked you can even block countries/regions where you don’t want to appear. Besides all this, there is the obvious, which is the elimination of getting any STDS.

Words of wisdom for cam models?

If you tell your fans you’re going to do something, do it. Viewers will always come back if you are constantly giving them what they want.

What is your favorite food?

My guilty pleasure is pizza. Definitely pizza.

What is something that rocks your world?

My fans. I mean, lovies. Because I love those who support me.

First thing I do when I wake up in the morning:

I check my phone! I think that’s the first thing most people do.

The last thing I do before falling asleep:
Check my phone. I know. I’m obsessed.

Adult Actress Amber Rayne has died

There are many reports out today in the twitterverse that Amber Rayne has passed away. Causes of death are currently unknown at this time as she passed overnight. We will update you as we learn more but sources are confirming an autopsy is planned.. Her twitter account has not been updated since midnight of April 2nd. The news started breaking a few hours ago. She was 31.

Adult entertainers have been taking to twitter and Instagram, expressing their grief and to wish her family condolences.

You may remember Amber Rain for recently being in the news after she came out and shared her negative experiences with pornstar James Deen.

nsfw links

Webcam Advertising

Webcam Studios Vs Direct Signup

If you surf around the internet trying to find a good webcam company to signup with, you can often be running across many different recruiter style sites. Sometimes these sites are owned by the company, other times they are owned by recruiters or studios. These are important differences to understand as your commission structure often will vary when you are not signing up directly. When you join via a webcam studio, you need to understand that your payment is being paid to the studio directly, they then take their commission out and pay you after. For Example, if you earn $1000 your first week on webcam, depending on the % deal with your studio, you may only be entitled to $500 of that. You are almost always better off going direct and cutting out studios completely.

Who is

Cam Site:
Studio or Direct: Direct
Recommended: Yes

Who is

Cam Site:
Studio or Direct: Direct
Recommended: Yes

Who is

Cam Site:
Studio or Direct: Studio
Recommended: No
Go Direct Here:

Who is

Cam Site:
Studio or Direct: Direct
Recommended: Yes

Who is

Cam Site:
Studio or Direct: Direct
Recommended: Yes

Who is Webcam4money?

Cam Site:
Studio or Direct: Direct
Recommended: Yes

Who is

Cam Site: LiveJasmin
Studio or Direct: Studio
Recommended: No
Go Direct Here

Who is

Cam Site: Streamate
Studio or Direct: Studio
Recommended: No
Go Direct Here:

Who is

Cam Site: Streamate
Studio or Direct: Studio
Recommended: No
Go Direct Here:

Who is

Cam Site: Streamate
Studio or Direct: Studio
Recommended: No
Go Direct Here:

Who is

Cam Site: Streamate
Studio or Direct: Studio
Recommended: No
Go Direct Here:

This list will constantly be evolving, so feel free to submit to us using our contact form.

Please do not copy my site!

