Author - Sarah G

Preparing for Anal Sex…No You Can’t “Just Do It”

For most of us, having sex of some type is something we can do on the fly. I mean, sure, there are people who have kids and busy schedules and need to “write-in” a sex session with their partner, but for the most part, it’s pretty easy to get busy at the drop of a hat.

If you’re someone who is considering going for a little something spicier, something new, then you might be considering a little bit of anal sex. Anal sex isn’t just the stuff of porno’s and college bro’s anymore; more and more women are beginning to enjoy this once-taboo bit of fun in the bedroom.

Unlike vaginal sex, though, anal sex can’t just be done at the spur of the moment unless you really want to make things uncomfortable and messy. If you’re considering getting a bit frisky at the back door, you’ll definitely want to consider these tips to prepare for anal sex.

anal sex tips

Five Super Tips to Prepare for Anal Sex

Before you travel down this new highway of lovin’, you want to make sure that both partners are on board and understand what exactly it takes to make anal sex happen.

This is a totally different animal than vaginal or oral sex and requires prep work, including a discussion about it. Just “doing it” is not only going to piss off your partner, but you could also possibly hurt them.

Before you even think of any poking in the behind, you need to decide how it’s going to go down.

Will it be strictly penile penetration, or will you be trying fingers or toys?

Is there anything your partner absolutely does not want to do?

Are you ok with her limiting what goes down and are you willing to stop if she says so?

Do you have everything ready to go (like a lot of lube)?

Seriously, if you two can’t talk about butt things, you’re not ready for butt things, so keep that in mind.

And if she just does not want to do it, do not pressure her into it. That’s not fair and it’s going to cause problems for you that you just don’t need over something so minor.

So, what are the other tips to prepare for anal sex? Well, here you go!

One Finger Only

#1: Start with a Finger or Rimming.

Before you even begin to poke other things in your or your girlfriends, bottom, there needs to be some experimentation.

Anything bigger than a finger is going to require much more prep work to keep things safe and clean, so it’s really best to start with a finger or two.

While you and your partner are getting busy, or she’s playing by herself, let a finger wander on back to the sphincter.

Yes, it’s going to be tight. I mean, typically this is an exit only. But just like a woman should masturbate to see what she likes and doesn’t like, playing with the bottom will let her know if she enjoys it or not.

You could also give rimming a try to see if that helps her relax. Rimming, also known as “tossing the salad” or analingus, is when your partner uses their tongue on the anal sphincter.

If it isn’t enjoyable with a finger or tongue, there is a good chance something else might not be her cup of tea either.

Get Clean AF

#2: Get Clean.

We’ve all heard the horror stories of someone making quite the mess during anal sex. While poo isn’t stored in the anal canal, it’s in the upper bowels, nobody wants there to be even the slightest chance that there could be fecal matter involved in sexy times.

(Unless that’s your thing, which in that case, have at it)

If it’s possible, a visit to the bathroom should be done 30-60 minutes prior to the main event. A nice, long, relaxing shower is also good.

Not just to make sure that any remnants of the bathroom visit are gone, but also to get her in the mood.

If you or your lady are really worried about poo, an enema is an option. It isn’t a necessity, but if you want a deeper clean, this is the way to go.

Enema kits are available just about everywhere and if you’re shy, order one.

A word of warning on the use of enemas. Frequent use can cause you some issues down the road and they shouldn’t be used often for sexual purposes.

Not only can they cause electrolyte imbalances, but they can damage the muscles back there that regulate normal bowel function.

get lots of lube

#3: Stock Up on Lube.

If you’re preparing for anal sex, you absolutely have to use lube. Let me repeat it for the folks in the back who aren’t listening.

If you’re going to perform anal sex, you MUST use lube. Unlike the vagina, there is absolutely no self-lubrication back there at all. Get yourself some lube and get a lot of it.

This leads to the question, “What kind of lube should I get?”

Here are the lube rules, which will, of course, vary by your situation.

First, do not get any numbing lube or creams. Sure, they may work to stop pain in the moment, but if you’re doing anal sex properly, there shouldn’t be extreme amounts of pain anyway.

The biggest issue with these products is that they will prevent you from stopping if there is an issue and once they wear off, the pain and damage could be worse.

Secondly, if you’re using condoms, don’t use an oil-based lubricant. Oil-based lubes will break down the latex in condoms and if you’re trying to prevent STDs, especially HIV, you’re really putting yourself at risk.

Instead, opt for a water-based lube, which will be easier to clean up from yourself and the sheets and they are A-OK with toys and sexual protection.

Just remember, water-based lubes don’t last as long as oil-based, so have a butt-ton of it at your disposal. (Pun definitely intended).

Oh, and I wish I didn’t have to say this, but do not rely on spit as a lubricant. Porn has really skewed people’s thinking on sexual matters and trust me, a good old loogey is not a proper lube.

Anal Toys

#4: Consider Starting with a Toy.

If she still isn’t totally ready to have a penis in her behind, but she’s kind of into what the rimming and self-play did for her, consider using a toy first.

Again, when preparing for anal sex, there are some things you have to be careful with when choosing a toy.

Unlike a vagina which has a built-in stopper (the cervix, for those not in the know), the anal canal has no such stopper.

If you choose a toy that has no flared end, you do risk having said toy being stuck up in the pipe. I don’t know about you, but I would be beyond pissed if I had to go to the hospital and explain that one!

Instead, choose something like a small butt plug or toy that has a flared end to it. You may have to experiment with toys that increase in size over a period of a few weeks, so keep that in mind too.

You can’t go from nothing ever crossing that threshold to a giant toy or penis in one night; trying to do so could result in tears, bleeding, pain, and a doctor’s visit.

Choose Wisely

#5: Keep on One Path.

Let’s say you’ve done all the prep work for anal sex and your lady is totally into it. You got your goods in, she’s feeling good, but it doesn’t get her the home run and she needs some regular vaginal penetration to orgasm.


It doesn’t matter how clean she was prior to the two of you getting started, the rectum is a place full of bacteria. If you move from anal to vaginal, you’re putting her at-risk for UTI’s and other nasties that require some strong antibiotics. And if you two did it bareback, you’re actually at-risk for issues if any of that bacteria gets into your penile tip.

To keep everyone safe, use protection and remove it between holes or stick strictly with one hole only per sexy session.

its fun!

Conclusion: Anal Sex Can Be Fun but Requires Prep Work.

Like anything that you want to be good at, anal sex requires some prep work. Otherwise, it just isn’t going to be enjoyable. And, be honest, don’t you want to have a good time having anal sex? That’s the only way it’ll happen a second time, that’s for sure.

So, before you venture on down to brown town, follow these five tips to prepare for anal sex. You can thank me after you orgasm like never before. You’re very welcome! Now, if you’re not up for all that, then hop on cam and chat with a model instead.

How To Give The Best Blowjobs

I want to confess one thing…I love giving blowjobs. Like, really love it. When I’m not making money on cam, I’m probably doing this – not joking. There is nothing sexier to me than being able to pleasure my man better than any other woman was ever able to do so.

I know, I know, not everyone enjoys giving oral sex. From having someone’s junk thrust into your face, which may or may not have a distinct scent, to him getting too pushy and attempting the obnoxious face-fuck that you never agreed to. We’ve all had bad bj experiences, but don’t let it stop you from giving head!

My friends always ask me why I love giving blowjobs so much. For me, there is absolutely nothing more empowering than having that control over a man. And for the guy, he gets the experience of sex without having to do all the work and you’re doing something he can’t do for himself, which is also amazing.

If you’re looking to improve your blowjob techniques and make it more enjoyable for the both of you, or you’re brand new to giving head and you want to be the bomb diggity at it from the get-go, consider these 7 tips for giving the best blowjobs of your life!

How To Give A Great Blowjob

7 Tips for Giving the Best Blowjobs

Giving good head is an art. Anyone can plop some junk in their mouth and go through the motions, but to make it memorable and enjoyable for both of you, it takes some work. I mean, it is called a “job” after all!

However, this type of job is one of the best and definitely shouldn’t be drudgery. If you’re looking to give an excellent bj, consider these blowjob tips:


  1. Be enthusiastic!

The number one rule for giving a blowjob is to have fun and act as if you actually want to be doing it. If you’re not enthusiastic about what you’re doing, your man is going to be able to tell and he’s not going to enjoy it either.

Now, let me say this especially loud for the people in the back of the room: Never, ever do something you don’t want to do and don’t do it with someone you’re not happy to be with, especially in the bedroom. I would never advocate doing something just to make another person happy.

However, if you’re down, and thinking of going down (see what I did there?), here is how you can show your guy you’re enthusiastic about gobbling his knob:

  • Keep eye contact – Here is where you want to release your inner sex goddess and flap those big eyelashes at him after you’ve been looking at his unit. Don’t maintain unblinking eye contact, that’s just strange and creepy. Instead, make it seem like you can’t keep your eyes off of his junk and let him read through your eyes how much you want him.
  • Ask him what he wants – Communication is key before and during sex. Ask him what type of bj’s he enjoys, stop while you’re pleasuring him and ask if it’s wet enough, or how he is enjoying it. Just do not ever ask if he’s “close.” If you have to ask, you’re not doing it right, anyway.
  • Let him know how turned on you are – Men aren’t really any different than we are, and they get nervous about oral sex as well. Ease his nerves by complimenting him. Saying, “I love how you feel in my mouth” can go a long way.

Hands Should Be Used!

  1. Use your hands.

Oral sex isn’t just about your mouth. Using your hands can really help when your mouth and jaw are starting to get tired. An effective blowjob is a nice mix of wetness and suction along with your hands providing some pressure.

Try this once you’ve warmed up a bit:

  • Wrap your hand around the shaft of his penis and then add your mouth.
  • Put your mouth against your thumb and forefinger, like you’re kissing them.
  • Move your hand and lips up and down his penis in one fluid motion.

You can also try mixing it up, moving your hand separately from your mouth, add in a wrist twist, and if he’s ok with it (and you asked beforehand), cup his balls gently with the other hand.

Use Your Spit

  1. Use spit…lots and lots of spit.

Successful oral sex is wet and slippery. Nobody likes it dry; I mean, do you like when things are too dry down there?

The more spit you use, the more movement you’re going to have and the better it will feel for him. Don’t go too crazy and make it so you’re both covered in drool and your hands are slipping all over the place, but make sure things stay moist. And definitely keep some water on hand, you’re probably going to need it.

use your tongue

  1. Use your tongue.

Your tongue is a great way to drive your guy crazy, especially if you start flicking on that little spot on the underside of his penis called the frenulum. They have a boatload of nerve endings in that one area and light touching, tongue flicking, and rubbing of your tongue up and down his shaft is not only porn-like, but it is also mind-blowing for them.


  1. Keeps those lips pursed.

Try saying the word “purple” right now. See how your lips get pursed and your tongue drops down? That’s the position you want to stay in when you have a mouth full o’peenie. It makes your lips feel like perfect little pillows and combined with suction, makes your mouth an amazing place to rest his penis for a few minutes.


  1. Give deep throating a try.

This will depend on the size of your man’s manhood and how experienced you are with doing blowjobs. Deep-throating is more of an advanced skill and if done improperly can result in (at best) you gagging, or (at worst) you barfing all over your partner’s crotch.

Men enjoy deep throating because, well it’s kind of slutty, makes them feel manly seeing their goods disappear completely into your mouth, and your throat is a tighter space. Men love putting that thing in tight spaces!

If you want to practice deep throating without throwing up on a guy, get yourself some popsicles and work through getting it deeper and deeper, all the while breathing through your nose. If after some practice you just can’t do it, don’t force the issue. Don’t ever choke yourself on a penis, it’s totally not worth it.

butt play

  1. Consider butt play.

This is something you would have ideally discussed before you’re going to town on his penis. Some men love, love, LOVE anal play while they’re being pleasured, and some won’t have you anywhere near the backdoor with a finger.

If your guy is into trying it out, start by gently touching his perineum (the taint for all you uncouth folks) and working up to a finger in the old bum. The prostate is in that area and is very sensitive (a male G-spot), making some men cum even harder when it is stimulated.

If you really want to blow his mind, have your mouth on the head of his penis, one hand working the shaft, the other cupping and gently massaging his balls while your pointer finger on that hand works his perineum and slips into his bottom.

Trust me, if he’s into butt play, he’s going to be putty in your hands if you can master this move.

Conclusion: Blowjobs can and should be fun!

Oral sex is amazing, especially when it is done well. If you want to please and pleasure your man like he’s never been pleasured before, consider these best blowjob tips to making his head spin. And when you’re done, hold your head high and take pride in the fact that you’re the BJ Queen! Oh, don’t forget to put this skill on your webcam profile. The boys will go nuts for it!

How To Make A Woman Squirt

Cam shows have exploded in popularity and everyone and their sister has started getting into the cam show world. With the number of cam shows that occur every day and the oversaturation of girls in the cam show market, it can be difficult to differentiate yourself from every other pretty, sexy woman out there.

There are many ways to make your cam shows more exciting and one of the top ways to make your shows memorable and to draw in customers who are into things a little sexier is to squirt during a show.

If you’re not familiar with what squirting is, you’re definitely not alone. There are many people who have never heard of squirting or they don’t believe that it is possible. But, trust me, squirting is totally real and can really get your customers excited if you can pull it off during a show.

If you’re interested in learning about squirting and how to make a woman squirt, this is your go-to guide.

Make Her Squirt Tips

What Exactly Is Squirting (A How To Guide)

Once considered a rare, fringe thing, squirting is now something a little more mainstream, and something that turns men on like you wouldn’t believe!

So, what exactly is squirting? Squirting refers to the expulsion of fluid from a woman’s urethra when she is having an intense, mind-blowing orgasm that is due to G-spot stimulation. Science doesn’t really understand much about squirting, they mostly study male sexual stuff, so they don’t know what the thin, milky fluid is that comes out. Some say its urine, some say its fluid from the Skene’s glands, the female equivalent of the prostate gland.

The bottom line is this: Nobody cares what the fluid is. It’s just something sexy that women can do and if you can, you’re sure to not only turn on your sex partner(s) but also increase the tips you earn during your cam shows.

The biggest question most women have is if they can squirt. And the answer is “Absolutely!” All women have the capability to squirt, it just takes a little prep work and some time.

If you’ve never squirted before and you’re looking to improve your cam shows, here are the best steps to make yourself, or any woman, squirt.

Simple Steps To Making Any Woman Squirt

These are the exact steps you need to take in order to make your girlfriend, wife or any woman you know squirt.

get ready to squirt

Step #1: Get Prepared

Squirting is a skill and just like any other skill, it takes some prep work to make it happen. Whether you’re going to attempt to squirt on camera on your own, or you’re going to have a partner to help, you need to make sure you do a few things to get ready.

First, get your mind clear and ready for some sexy times. A mind that is occupied with something else just isn’t going to cooperate. Play some sexy music, have a nice, relaxing bath, and burn some incense or scented candles to set the mood.

Oh, and please, go to the bathroom before you begin playing. A full bladder isn’t going to help in aiding relaxation and if you’re empty and you do actually squirt, you can be assured it isn’t urine like some people claim.

Once the mood is set, its time to really warm her, or yourself, up. Foreplay is essential for squirting and you have to do what works for you; everyone will be different. If you’re with a partner, consider a massage, heavy kissing, dirty talk, and/or focusing on erogenous zones.

If you’re attempting to squirt alone, touch yourself how you enjoy it, use toys to tease yourself and watch or read whatever porn typically gets you going.

comfortable position

Step #2: Get Into A Comfortable Position

It is extremely important that you, or your partner, are completely relaxed, both physically and mentally. The heavier the foreplay, the more relaxed you will be. Once your head is ready, now you want to get yourself into the correct position.

To prepare to squirt, lay down somewhere comfortable. Whether it’s a bed, rug, or couch, make sure it’s comfortable, sensual, and provides a good view for your show.

Next, put your bottom on a pillow. A little elevation will provide better access to your G-Spot and clitoris at the same time. Because you’re going to be ejaculating, you are probably going to want to have a towel down as well, or at least nearby, to prevent too much of a mess.

lube needed

Step #3: Have Lube Ready

Lube is absolutely essential in getting a woman to squirt. You can choose to use whatever type of lube you like, just remember that oil-based lubes will deteriorate latex condoms and can damage sex toys.

The key is to make sure everything is wet; the clit, vulva, and inside the vagina, as well as the toys and fingers being used to stimulate yourself. Really the wetter, the better when it comes to squirting.

Find The G-Spot

Step #4: Find That G-Spot

Finding the G-Spot isn’t difficult if you know what you’re looking for and you know how to find it.

Here’s how:

  1. Stimulate the clitoris for a few minutes, it really gets things “going”.
  2. Insert the middle finger into the vagina (palm facing up). You don’t need more than one finger, it will just make things too crowded.
  3. About two inches deep, begin rubbing the upper vaginal wall in a “come here” motion.

After a few minutes of stimulation, the G-Spot should become more noticeable. It will feel spongy, wrinkled, and almond-shaped and be located about two knuckles deep. Approximately 10-15 minutes of stimulation should cause the G-Spot to balloon up and the frontal wall should swell.

At this point, there will be a strong urge to urinate, and as long as your bladder was emptied, it isn’t actually urine, it’s ejaculate. Now is the time to let loose and let those juices flow!

what next?

What If It Doesn’t Happen?

Unfortunately, squirting isn’t always the easiest thing to do and it won’t always happen the first, or first few times you attempt it. If it doesn’t work out initially, don’t fret. It can happen.

Experimenting with different finger movements can usually do the trick. Tapping on the G-Spot, applying more pressure, or stimulating the clitoris at the same time as stimulating the G-Spot can all increase arousal and the chances for squirting.

There are also specialized G-Spot stimulating toys that focus on the intended area and can give your or your partner’s hands a break. Consider the Pure Wand by NJoy or the Gigi 2 by Lelo.

Also, make sure you’re hydrated. Yes, just like you should drink water for your overall well-being, squirting requires adequate hydration to occur. Get your minimum eight cups of water a day, and on the day you want to attempt squirting, drink a little more a few hours before the show.

And finally, please make sure that you relax. Squirting is all about what’s going on in the brain and the more uptight you are, the less likely it is that you’ll squirt. So, before you give up, make sure that you are totally and completely in the zone.

Instructional Video

If you’re not understanding everything about female cum and squirting, then you need to watch this video. It’s perhaps the best video on this subject that I’ve found to date. These tips can help you better understand what I’m talking about for sure.

Too Easy

Conclusion: Squirting Isn’t Always Easy, But Def Doable.

I hate to burst the bubble, but not every woman is going to be able to squirt. However, it is possible with some time and practice. And if you can accomplish this, I promise you that your cam show tips will only increase, which is exactly what all cam girls want! Hey, if you’re a consumer and you’re reading this, then you need to know that this page lists out all the cam sites you need.

How Do Cam Sites Work?

I’ve been trying to cover as many topics as possible lately and one that recently came to mind was – how cam sites work. Oddly enough, I’ve never thought of covering this topic in detail but what’s a better time than now? This update is for both cam girls and cam site users. Basically, anyone interested in learning how this stuff works. I’ve covered it all today. Now, if you’re a cam girl looking to just take action and join a site that pays, then you might want to give this a read here. 🙂 It’s the site that I’ve been using as my main source of income these days. Now back to the topic at hand…

how cam sites work

How Do Webcam Sites Really Work?

Online sex work takes on many forms. While free porn sites are, and always will be, among the most popular way to get your jollies, cam girl websites are a very close second. However, not everyone knows what exactly happens on cam sites and many people think it is strictly just women rubbing one off in front of guys for money.

Yes, there is definitely sexual activity happening on cam shows. I mean, who would want to watch them otherwise? But just because a customer expects a certain act doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.

So, what exactly is a cam girl website? And what goes on on these types of shows? If you’re new to camming and curious about the ins and outs of how cam girl websites work, this article is definitely for you.

what are cam sites

What Are Cam Sites?

Cam sites are websites that host both cam models and their customers. Unlike traditional porn sites, cam sites are interactive and live. Cam chat rooms will present a video feed of the model as she does whatever it is she is comfortable with, as well as a chat feature where the model can interact with her viewers.

Viewers are capable of offering up suggestions as to what they’d like to see, but each model has the right to either do what they want or decline if she isn’t feeling comfortable with what they are asking of her. It is highly recommended that as a cam model you make it very clear in your cam site bio what you will and will not do. This keeps everyone from getting frustrated, and trust me, some of the customers you’re going to get will get nasty if they think you’re wasting their money.

You should also know that you’re going to have trolls that show up just to make your life difficult. It’s the nature of the internet. Be prepared to toss out anyone that is giving you a hard time and make sure you block them so that they don’t keep returning.

streaming on cams

What Can You Stream On Webcam Sites?

There are probably hundreds of camming sites out there and each one has its own content. You should definitely check out whatever site you’re planning on using to see what they do and do not allow in a cam show before you start broadcasting so you don’t get banned and/or lose any money that is owed to you.

Typically, cam sites will allow dirty talk and self-sexual acts such as masturbation and using toys. Other sites will allow full-on sexual encounters on-screen, however, those sites require a few hoops that you’ll have to jump through to make that happen. See, a site doesn’t want to get busted for having underage participants or someone that never consented to be included in a show, it is illegal.

So, if you plan on having sex on camera with another person, read all the fine print of your chosen site, submit all the proper paperwork, and make sure everyone involved has consented to being in a show and is of legal age.

how cams work

How Do These Work?

Cam sites are pretty much relationship-based. The model will host her chat room on a cam site with the goal of connecting with their customers so they can bring in the money, usually in the form of tips. Most cam sites don’t charge to host these chat rooms, but they do get their cut by taking a cut of the earnings a model makes.

Payments for cam model work are in the form of “tips.” A customer that enjoys these public shows will then tip the model for her time. If a customer upgrades to a private chat session, they will usually be paying by the minute.

There is no set amount of money a cam model can earn for her shows, either public or private. It really comes down to the following she has, what she does in her shows, and how much engagement she has with these fans outside of shows. Not everything involving cam shows is sexual, remember, and a good personality with a strong connection to her fans can really increase the amount of money a cam model makes.

negatives of camming

Are There Any Negatives To Camming?

Being a cam model can be a great way to make extra money and if you’re really good at it, you can even make a living for a chunk of time. However, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

It does take work to get your fanbase growing. This isn’t a passive job, you have to get out there, online mostly, and get yourself recognized. The cam model world is so oversaturated, you need to differentiate yourself from everyone else. You may have to do some things for free, consider doing things in your shows others aren’t doing, interact with people as if you’re totally into them, and spend some money on yourself, your set-up, and equipment up-front.

Another negative is that you may have to deal with less desirables. The fact is, harassment is a huge issue in camming with trolls (on the forums too) and obsessed fans doing everything in their ability to make your day more difficult, including doxing. Doxing is when someone tries to “out” you and your personal/private information online. It is a sad fact, but there are viewers that don’t see cam models as human, but almost like robots that “owe” them whatever they want because they’re being paid.

You will also have to watch out for your paid content being stolen and posted to free sites without your permission and without you being compensated. This is a huge problem in the live porn world and is very difficult to stop.


Camming is often dismissed as a joke but can actually be a great career for a hustling cam model willing to put in the time it takes to build your brand. Cam sites are numerous, with each having its own positives and negatives for the cam models, but with a little research, you can find the right site for you and the type of shows you intend to put on.

Read the information provided by your chosen site, get comfortable with how you are paid, perfect your shows, and within no time you should be bringing in the money!

How To Build Your Audience

Increasing and building your audience as a cam girl is crucial. I mean, without being able to do that, you’re going to find yourself in quite the pickle. Now, the good news is that if you’re an ambitious and hardworking girl like me, then you’ll eventually make a lot of money.

There is no doubt about it, there are tons of webcam sites across the Internet and thousands of cam models to choose from. Any time, day or night, cam show fans can find a show to enjoy of any variety.

Heck, speaking of variety, many enjoy some seriously wild and totally taboo fetishes and they do so in a judgment-free environment too. Others go for the general cam show stuff.

With the sheer number of cam shows available at any given time, how do you as a webcam model ensure that you’re getting a good piece of the pie? And how do you ensure that you’re getting the most tips and you’re going to keep bringing back loyal fans?

If you’re a cam model, and you’re looking to increase your audience, these important tips will go a long way in assuring that you’re expanding your fan base.

increase audience and brand

Boost Your Cam Show Audience & Brand

As a cam model, your paycheck depends on the viewers that are drawn to your shows. The more men (and women) that are watching you, the more tips you can get, the bigger your bank account.

Not everyone can make it as a cam model, though, mostly because they don’t know how to keep their audience engaged or their shows unique.

If you’re an active model, consider these ways to increase your audience depth and overall reach:

Make Sure Your Streaming Is Of High Quality

HD Webcam

Nobody wants to watch a video and/or live stream that is sub-par. I don’t care what content it is, if the video quality is crummy, nobody is going to watch it. With video being your bread and butter as a cam model, you want to make sure that the video quality is high.

To improve your video quality, get a modern HD camera. Make sure your internet connection is as high speed as you can get.

And finally, make sure that the room where you’re shooting your cam shows has good lighting with no flickering lights. Poor lighting will literally cause boners to go flaccid and worse, move on to other profiles.

Make Sure Your Set Is Neat And Orderly

clean and neat bedroom

Just like messy camera work, nobody wants to watch a show where the set or room is a complete pigsty.


If you’re naturally a messy person, you should strongly consider having a separate area for your shows that you keep immaculately clean. Get rid of any clutter, make sure your stuff isn’t dusty, and remove any unnecessary items that aren’t going to enhance your shows.

Along with this, keep within arms reach anything you do plan on using in your shows. You don’t want to have to get up and leave during a show, so have toys, a water bottle, or anything else you like to use for your viewers.

Keep Yourself Fit And Take Pride In Your Appearance

stay fit and in shape

As a cam model, you’re essentially selling yourself and your body. Yes, men enjoy different body shapes and sizes, which is awesome, but you do still have to take pride in the way you look.

This usually means making sure you’re clean (I wish I didn’t have to say that) and healthy-looking.

You should also consider other details like makeup, nails, and hair. These things are easy enough to do and can go a long way in improving the tips you receive. Oh, and keep that hygiene up to snuff too. Don’t get lazy when it comes to that, please.

Stay Upbeat And Positive (Always)

stay positive

Let me ask you this: Do you like to watch any videos where someone is being belligerent or just doesn’t seem interested in whatever the show is?

The answer to that is a resounding NO!

As a cam model, you really have to love what you’re doing. I’m sorry, but if you don’t enjoy it, you’re not going to succeed. Even when you have rude viewers or you’re dealing with trolls, you have got to keep yourself upbeat and fun.

Unfortunately, it won’t be easy on some days. I have a hot streak in me, and I’ve been very tempted to fight with the viewers who were giving me a hassle, believe me. Instead of letting them get to me, though, I used my ability to toss them out of a show and blocked them.

Not only does it get them out of your hair, but it also keeps your other viewers from getting turned off by the conflict that is going on.

Keep yourself upbeat, positive, and kinky and your viewers will be very happy.

Interact And Entertain Your Audience

keep them entertained

Some cam models think that the only way they have to interact with their audience is to sit there and type out whatever they’re thinking. That’ll work for maybe a minute or two. Once your viewers see that your show is like that, they’re leaving.

Instead of just being a blob on the camera, talk to your audience and move around. Let them see different parts of your body and hear that voice of yours.

Work with your best assets and you’re definitely going to keep your audience entertained and engaged, which translates into bigger tips.

Make Your Shows Unique As Possible

be unique

With cam shows being a dime a dozen, you need to make sure that yours stands out. This can involve using costumes and cosplaying, using a special talent you may have, having a specific theme, bringing in other people to play with, or just using different toys to spice your shows up.

Toys are simple to get, pretty inexpensive, and some of them are actually interactive so your fans can give tips to make the toys work. Trust me, men eat that up!

The biggest supplier of these types of toys are Lovesense, Hitachi, and a few others. These are used by many cam models to improve their shows, so give them a search on the old Google.

Consider Group Video Chats And Multi-Model Shows

group of cam girls

One of the best ways to increase your audience quickly is to hold chats with multiple viewers (for example, Gold Shows on Streamate). Private chats are great once you’re established and you have fans that are high tippers, but group chats help you connect with more people at one fell swoop.

In these group chats you can also offer up contests with rewards, which your viewers will absolutely love. You can offer up prizes like private chats, actual merchandise, or even photos of yourself. Be creative and believe me, this will definitely help you improve your fan base.

I’d also like to add that it’s often easier to attract new consumers if you do cam shows with other models in group chat shows. The fans love it when you bring others into the bedroom and have someone new to share!

Imagine how many whales would be throwing money at you if they had the opportunity to cam with all the girls in the above photo? Lots of money would be thrown at you!

throwing money

Final Thoughts: To Be Successful, You Have To Work

With the pool so full of beautiful mermaids just looking to lure men to their shows, it can be difficult to make your cam show successful.

If you follow these tips to increase your audience as a cam model, and you work hard at keeping your shows interesting, fun, and sexy, you cannot lose.

That said, you’re 100% sure to bring in those new viewers and keep the regulars, making your bank account swell. And that’s really what we all want as cam models! Along with having fun of course!

If you think you’re ready to take the plunge and get started, then I strongly suggest reading this Q & A article before kicking things off. Any other questions, you know how to find me!

Taboo Fetishes Requested By Cam Fans

There was a time where fetishes were a taboo topic. Fortunately for those of us that enjoy things a little kinkier, fetishes are now a touch more mainstream. For cam girls, this openness of all thing’s fetish can really translate into more money. That holds especially true for those cam girls that can really master fetishes to turn men on in their shows.

If you’re a cam girl and you’re looking to “up” your money game, there are a few things to do to increase the interest in your shows, thus increasing your tips. One of the biggest ways you can do this is to focus on working with fetishes.

Now, I know some fetishes are really “out there” and there may be some that you’re just not comfortable with doing. I get it, trust me. I’ve had requests that just gave me the heebie-jeebies. Anything that was completely illegal got the requester banned from my shows.

I also never agree to do anything that I don’t want to do. There are some fetishes that just don’t work for me and I know my shows will suffer if I attempt them because I’m just not feeling it. There is no shame in admitting you’re not into it.

However, everyone is different and what skeeves me out might be totally A-OK for you. So, if you’re looking to add some spice to your cam shows, consider one or more of these fetishes that every cam girl should master.

cam fetishes

Popular Fetishes Requested During Cam Shows

There are many types of fetishes, from pretty vanilla to what some might call abnormal. Some you’ll be comfortable with; some you might not be. The key is to find fetishes you are comfortable with and feel like you can perform convincingly enough to rake in the money.

No, you don’t have to be completely turned on with these fetishes to be successful. I mean, we’ve all done shows where we just weren’t feeling it, but we were able to put on a brave face and get it done. As long as you can make it seem like you’re enjoying yourself, you’re golden!

If you’re considering adding in fetishes to your cam shows, consider these:

  1. Foot Fetish

foot fetish

A foot fetish is probably one of the biggest fetishes out there. Men love feet, there’s no getting around it. And it doesn’t matter what your feet look like, so if you want an easy fetish to master, consider using your feet.

Each man who has a foot fetish will have a different preference, so you’ll want to find out what it is he likes about feet and cater to that. That can be as easy as removing your toenail polish (or putting some on). Maybe it’s putting on some ultra-high heels, or just wearing a cute pair of lacy socks.

  1. Latex Fetish

latex fetish

Latex is one of the sexiest ways to spice up your wardrobe, making it an easy and affordable way to turn on your viewers. This shiny, squeaky material will cling to your body, highlight your assets, and make you appear pretty badass if you ask me.

Take pictures of yourself in latex and post it on your various social media sites to advertise that you’re a latex lover. Trust me, you’re going to be swimming in customers who are ready to shell out some money just looking at you in your various latex attire.

  1. Financial Domination


Now, this fetish is kind of controversial and I know that not everyone is comfortable with this form of BDSM. Financial domination involves the cam model becomes the dominant person in the relationship, taking money, gifts, and financial control from the submissive cam show viewer.

In this type of relationship, the submissive gets off by giving up their money, even if they’ve never met the dominant person face-to-face. In fact, financial domination, also called findom or money slavery, rarely has two people meeting and is done completely online. If you’re ok with this type of thing, financial domination is one of the most profitable types of fetishes a cam model can get into.

  1. Group Sex Fetish

Group Sex

Let’s face it, porn is king. Both men and women enjoy watching other people have sex, and if you say you don’t, you’re lying. One of the most popular types of porn to watch besides regular couples’ actions is group sex. This could be two cam girls camming with each other in a group cam show.

If you’re comfortable with group sex, in whatever form it may take, you’ll really increase your profits. Yes, you’ll probably have to jump through a few hoops, like having your partners background checked and certified as legal as per your cam site requirements, and you’re probably going to have split the pay with them as well.

But, honestly, the amount of money you can make mastering the group sex fetish is well worth the time it takes to get those types of shows rolling.

  1. Anal Fetish

Men and women are really into anal. There is just something about it still being a touch taboo that makes us crave it. To bring anal into your cam shows, you can either do so with toys (butt plugs, vibrators, etc.) or you can include anal in your group sex shows.

If you’ve never done anal, make sure you do a little research and prep before taking your performance to your shows. Oh, and stock up on lube, you’re going to need it.

  1. BDSM Fetish

bdsm fetish

Since the release of 50 Shades of Grey, BDSM has exploded. Yes, it was a popular fetish beforehand, but once those books and movies were released, women and men everywhere began craving this type of sexual relationship.

For cam shows, BDSM is a big moneymaker, especially if you get the right kind of equipment. Look for fetish-specific clothing, cuffs, whips, and toys, it’s literally available everywhere now.

One note, proper BDSM does not involve abuse. What is it then? Well, it’s simply a dominance/submission relationship where each party is respected and never mentally damaged. There may be some physical pain, but the level of that should be agreed on by each person.

  1. Daddy Fetish

daddy fetish

This type of fetish could be considered a little creepy by prudes. However, engaging in a daddy fetish does not equate to child abuse or incest. Instead, think of it as a man that enjoys being called “Daddy” during sex and woman that likes to call him that. He may also enjoy calling his lady-friend “Princess” or “Baby”, but rarely does he want to call her “Daughter”, which would definitely be creepy.

Most daddy fetish fantasies involve the “daddy” taking control and being dominant. “Daddy” will typically financially support his “Princess” and provide support and encouragement. Unfortunately, he may also attempt to discipline his “Baby” by withholding financial support when she doesn’t act as he wishes.

Engaging in this type of fetish can be rewarding for both you and your customer, not just monetarily, but emotionally as well.

  1. Stocking Fetish

stocking fetish

This is yet another easy fetish to master and will cost you next to nothing but reap some big rewards. For some reason, men are very attracted to stockings and women who wear them. Maybe its that the woman appears slutty or powerful, or both.

Whatever the reason, there are many types of stockings out there, from very affordable to very expensive. Get a few different types, pair them with some sexy heels, and get ready to see your tips increase substantially.

  1. Cosplay Fetish


Do you enjoy dressing up, especially as famous characters from television, movies, and books? If you do, the cosplay fetish is for you. Putting together your outfits can be as basic or advanced as you like and is actually fun to do.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t look exactly like a character. This is for a cam show, not a judged cosplay convention. And make sure you ask your viewers what they’d like to see. Do so especially for your big tippers who will pay out big bucks. If these fans get to enjoy the fantasy of having sex with their celebrity/character crush they’ll pay up big!

Most of all, let yourself go.  Just enjoy cosplaying, it can be just as much fun for you as it is for your customers!

In Conclusion: Fetish Mastery = More Money

As a webcam model, you need to think of yourself as a company. Successful companies know that they sometimes have to reinvent themselves to bring in more money and keep their business going. Because fetishes are so popular and will continue to be so, a webcam model should strongly consider adding fetish work into her shows.

Find what fetish or fetishes work for you and perfect them. You want to be comfortable with what you’re doing in a show, no matter what that is. Once you’re feeling ready to perform, have fun and get ready to bring in the big bucks.

Camming In Public Advice From A Model

Camming has become a popular way for women, and some men, to make a living performing for men and women all over the world. While many people have a prejudice against cam shows and think of these shows as pure filth, the truth is, sex is just a small part of a cam show. Much of what we do as cam models are talking, flirting and essentially acting as a sort of bartender keeping the conversation going and making people feel welcome.

Tips for Camming in Public

Don’t get me wrong, you’re going to do sexual things. If you don’t, you’re not going to make money. But, honestly, it’s a small part of your shows.

As for the shows, you’re essentially going to be doing those at home or studio set up, depending on the level of your shows. On occasion, though, I get newer cam models asking me if I’ve ever done cam shows in public. I guess they think it will bring in some more interest in their shows which will translate into more tips.

Well, I personally have not done any cam shows in the public world, mostly for two reasons, which I’ll get into later. However, I do have a friend who does shows in public and I asked her if she had any recommendations or tips for cam models looking to do just that sort of thing. Before I go into those tips, though, here is why I won’t do camming in public and strongly recommend that you reconsider doing public cam shows.

Public Park

Why Camming in Public is a Bad Idea

There is a huge trend towards broadcasting naughty things in public, so I can see why cam girls want to get a piece of the pie. Although doing a cam show in public could bring in some moolah, it can also get you into trouble.

Doing anything that can be considered risqué to downright X-rated is still illegal. You can get a citation for public indecency and if you’re doing something really wild and crazy, you could be arrested. Listen, not everyone wants to see you doing dirty things, hell, I am a cam girl and I don’t always want to be seeing sex shows!

I’m absolutely no prude, obviously, but cam shows have their time and place, and for me, that place and time is in privacy. Not everyone agrees with me, which is ok, but remember, public cam shows can get you in legal trouble.

If you’re not worried about legal issues, you could have issues with whatever cam site you’re working through. You know, many cam sites will not allow public cam shows and will either ban you for a length of time (like a month) or completely kick you off from using their site to broadcast your shows.

The reason for this is because anyone involved in a show must be verified as being of legal age and they must give their consent for being included in a cam show. Working as a cam model for a cam company you had to sign a 2257 form and if someone in your show hasn’t signed that form and hasn’t been verified as an adult, well, you’re breaking the law. Do you really want to lose this stream of income over having an edgy show?

I know I don’t. It isn’t worth it.

Now, I know you’re going to hit me with, “But, but, but… I’ve seen cam shows that were done in public. You’re full of it, lady!”

Ok, I’ll give you that. I, too, have seen shows (supposedly) done in offices, libraries, dressing rooms, and other public and semi-public places. What I will say is that these shows are typically staged. Sorry to burst your bubble, but they are more on-par with a scripted porn than a legit public cam show.

These shows work hard to have the customers suspend their disbelief long enough to believe the show is real and that the cam model(s) are being bad girls in public. Nine times out of ten, they aren’t, it just appears that way.

As I mentioned, though, I do have a friend that does do some shows in public from time to time. While I think camming in public has too many risks, legally and otherwise and should be avoided, here is what she says she would recommend if you’re considering doing public cam shows.

Tips to Stay Safe During Public Cam Shows

If you’re considering doing cam shows in public, you want to make sure you’re doing it safely. Here are some tips to help ensure that you’re staying safe during these risky types of shows.

  1. Pick a location that is “safe.”

The public location that you choose for a cam show is the most important thing you can do. It will also depend on your “schtick” as a cam model. I’ve seen models do cam shows in places like a library (they’re usually models that are being “naughty students”), an office (these girls are rolling with the naughty boss/secretary fantasy), stores (I guess this fits in with the flashing/sex in a dressing room fantasy), and even on a balcony/garden (again this goes with flashing/being naughty).

flashing in public

Each of these places is risky, but the more public the setting is, the more dangerous it is and the more likely you’re going to get caught. If you’re set on doing a cam show in public, semi-public/private is going to be your safest bet. You don’t want to pick a spot that could have children around (you certainly don’t want to be labeled a sex offender), and you want to have whatever you’re doing for your show to be quick and easily covered up in the event that someone comes along.

  1. Don’t do things that are over-the-top “dirty.”

If you’re going to do a public cam show, you’re not going to be able to do the things you would normally be able to do in the privacy of your home or studio. This means sex toys and full-on sex are pretty much out. You’re also not going to be able to be completely nude or be overly noisy if you’re pleasuring yourself/having sex with someone else, again that’s all just too risky.

Instead, focus on things like light touching, upskirt flashes, boob flashes, and under the radar things like remote-controlled vibrating panties and butt plugs.

  1. Never do a show completely isolated.

I don’t like to be paranoid but doing a show completely isolated is definitely something you should avoid. You never know who will wander over and what their intentions are. If you’re going to do anything in an isolated area, make sure you’re not trespassing (yet another legal worry), let someone close to you know where you’re planning on going, and make sure you’re not choosing an unsafe location.

Oh, and don’t let your viewers know the exact spot you’re going to be. You never know what kind of loons would show up and think they can be involved in some manner.

  1. Make sure anyone you’re planning on having in the show is of legal age and is registered with the particular site you’re using.

If you’re going to create a cam show that is “public”, as in a set-up that appears public, but is not (like most people do), make sure anyone else involved has signed the appropriate documentation and is recognized as being a legal age by the chat channel you’re using. If you don’t, you run the risk of having your account closed and your earnings lost because you violated the site’s terms of service.

This also means you can’t have random people in your show who just happen to be in public at that time. If they haven’t given permission in the form of a signed contract that they want to be in your performance, you can’t have them involved at all.

  1. Use common sense.

Look, if you’re going to do public cam shows, use some common sense. It is not worth getting hurt or arrested for a few bucks. Yes, you’ll probably get some attention and a few more tips, but the risks don’t outweigh the rewards, in my opinion. My friend that does these shows on occasion admits that the money she gets isn’t all that much more and she only attempts these public cam shows if she has had a long string of bad months in the tipping area.

Conclusion: Public Camming Can Be Done, But It’s Risky

If you’re someone just starting out in the camming world, I would recommend that you keep things in private and at either your home or studio. The lighting is better, you have access to your own items for a show, and you’re most definitely not going to get arrested for exposing yourself.

Once you’ve got a substantial number of shows under your garter belt and you’re feeling adventurous, then you could give public cam shows a try. Just remember, it’s going to be a risky endeavor and could get you in some serious trouble, get hurt, as well as cause you to lose any money you have in your cam account if the cam company you’re working for catches on to what you’re doing.

Be safe out there, ladies!

How To Use An iPhone as a Webcam

As a cam model, your bread and butter is pretty much using your webcam. I mean, your customers want to see you and your shows and that’s how you are going to make the majority of your money. If your webcam goes down and you can’t afford to replace it right away, you’re just getting started as a model and not sure if you are going to keep it up, or you want an extra camera on hand for your shows, you can use something you already have: an iPhone.

iphone webcam tips

I know not everyone is an iPhone fan. But, for you Android users, you’ll have to investigate how to use your phones as webcams on your own because this article is strictly for iPhone users. Sorry!

Now, even though you can use an iPhone as a webcam, you need to know that it will never completely take over as a typical webcam. Yes, it will do the job, but it isn’t going to be like what your computer can do. For a short-term solution, though, the iPhone can get the job done.

Using your iPhone as a webcam isn’t just turning on the camera and going. No, if you want to use your iPhone as a webcam you’re going to have to download an app to make it happen. Fortunately, there are a number of apps that will work well for this.


Best Apps for Turning an iPhone Into a Webcam

There are thousands of apps out there and it can get confusing finding one that works. I’ve done the finger work for you and discovered which five apps work the best to turn your iPhone into a decent webcam.

athome app

  1. AtHome Camera

AtHome Camera is a unique option if you want to turn your iPhone into a webcam, especially if you are doing different types of shows, such as allowing customers to watch you as you go about your day.

There are two parts to the AtHome Camera: the streamer and the viewer. Both parts can run on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. It also offers the following benefits:

  • Two-way talk: It doesn’t matter if you’re using the streamer app or the viewer, you can talk to and hear audio from any connected device.
  • Motion detection: If there is any movement on your camera, there will be an alert that there is motion. This is great if you’re using your iPhone as a security webcam when you’re not working a show.
  • Scheduled recording: The app can be programmed to record during set times, which is great for a cam model who has a set schedule.

AtHome Camera is ad-supported, but you can upgrade to a paid level to avoid that. If you’re considering using AtHome Camera as your go-to for a webcam, try the free version out first to see if it works for you before springing for the paid version.

Epoccam App

  1. EpocCam

EpocCam is the most popular and most frequently downloaded app for turning an iPhone into a webcam. You will have to download the drivers from the developer’s website to make this work, but once you do, it’s easy-peasy.

Not only does EpocCam work with both front- and rear-facing cameras on your iPhone, it works with all webcam-enabled apps like Google Hangouts and Skype and encrypts all video that is recorded. It also has a wireless range of 20 feet, which is awesome.

If you are into having the updated versions of your apps, there is an EpocCam Pro which allows you to use your mic to record audio, adds an option for manual focus, removes the watermark from your videos, and improves the resolution from 640 x 480 to 1920 x 1080, which your customers will very much appreciate.

presence iphone app

  1. Presence

Presence is just like the other webcam apps you’re going to be reading about however it does offer 50MB of cloud storage for your videos for free members and up to 5GB of content for paid members. If you are a cam model who wants to access her shows in the future (maybe to sell or see where you could improve), this is a great option to have.

If you’re using Amazon Alexa, Presence also supports that. Oh, and if you’re enjoying what Presence has to offer, consider purchasing the Motrr Galileo iPhone camera mount. The Presence app will actually control the mount and move your iPhone up to 360-degrees for those sexiest shots.

Facetime on iPhone

  1. Facetime

If you’re not into downloading an app to use as a webcam, there is always the option of using Facetime. Facetime wasn’t created for use as a webcam, but don’t let that dissuade you from trying it out.

Facetime has a one-up on third-party apps in that it is Apple-created, Apple-supported, and run on the iOS operating system by Apple. If an app goes awry, you’re pretty much stuck, but with an Apple product, you’ve got their support.

To use Facetime as a webcam, you’ll need two devices with two different contact details. If you have the same contact info on both devices you’re only going to get a busy signal when you attempt to dial-up. Once you’ve put your iPhone where it can record, you’ll dial in, manually answer it, and your connection should be pretty reliable.

webcamera app by shape

  1. WebCamera

WebCamera by Shape is an awesome app for turning your iPhone into a webcam. In fact, it is one of the best, in my opinion. Popular and powerful, WebCamera has excellent video quality, which is exactly what you want as a cam model. It also works with messaging apps and video production software like Camtasia, Boinx TV, and CamTwist.

WebCamera isn’t free, it will cost you around $4.99, but it is worth every single penny.

Conclusion: iPhones Can Work as a Webcam, But They’re Not the Best Option

If you’re working as a webcam model, or you’re just considering it as a career, my best piece of advice for you is to seriously consider getting a webcam setup that isn’t an iPhone. Yes, your phone can be used in a pinch or to see if you actually like doing this type of work, but for long-term work, I would highly suggest you invest in a good webcam or quality computer.

Until you get that webcam or computer, try out one of these five apps to see how they work for you and your cam shows, they’ll definitely tide you over. Now, if you’re doing cam to cam work, then you’ll want a legit computer setup for best quality, that’s just my two cents!

Fitness and Health Tips for Cam Models

In the webcam world, there are a variety of shapes and sizes of cam models. No longer are women required to be totally stick-thin (not that there’s anything wrong with that at all) to sell themselves online. Men have varying tastes in what they want from their dream woman and the cam world is roomy enough for everyone to jump in.

health and fitness tips

While camming is definitely more inclusive than it has ever been, the women (and men) working as cam models still have to look after themselves first and foremost, both physically and mentally. There are thousands of things you have to do to be successful and unlike other jobs, there is no HR department or training to watch out for you. Well…you do have to obey the rules of each platform, that’s for sure. but it’s far less strict than a traditional 9 to 5 job.

And truthfully, nobody wants to look at or pay for a show from anyone who is a hot mess, no matter what their size, shape, or appearance. I don’t mean you have to be model-perfect, but you definitely have to have yourself and your environment “right and tight” if you want to be a successful cam model and make that bank.

That’s why today’s article tackles an important topic in camming: keeping yourself fit and healthy. If you’re new to the cam world, or you’ve been camming for a bit and feeling burnt out, give these fitness and health tips for cam models to improve your cam game and make sure that you’re taking care of yourself.

fitness for cam girls

Physical Fitness and Health Tips for Cam Models

The healthier you are, the more you’ll be able to work, which means the more money you’ll be able to make. Camming can involve long hours and just like other careers, can take a toll on your physical and mental health if you’re not careful. Here are the 8 best tips to keep yourself healthy and fit.

eat a balanced diet

#1: Eat a balanced diet.

This tip isn’t only for cam models. Everyone, to be healthy, should follow a common-sense, balanced diet. There are probably thousands of diets out there you can choose from, and what works for you won’t work for the next gal out there.

I’m not a registered dietitian, but what I do know is that you can’t eat thousands of calories a day of junk and expect to have the energy required to perform on a cam. For me, a diet high in veggies, lean protein, and fruit most of the time (80% of the week) works great. Of course, I have a sweet tooth and I do splurge once in a while (20% of the time), but I try to reign that in, so I don’t start getting pudgy.

If you are worried about your diet, I would highly recommend a nutritionist or dietitian to help balance it out and find out what works for you.

Exercise everyday

#2: Get enough exercise.

I’m not going to lie to you, I hate exercising. Like really hate it. It’s time-consuming, drudgery that just doesn’t seem to ever become fun for me. But, I also personally hate having big hips and stomach rolls, so I know I have to do some form of physical fitness just about every day.

Exercise should be something you enjoy doing (at least that’s what the experts say), so if that’s swimming, weightlifting, running, joining a gym, riding a bike (I have a Peleton), or just walking every day, that’s the right exercise for you. Not only will it help keep you fit and fabulous, but it will also help get you away from your workspace and clear your mind. And if you’re not sure where to start, a personal trainer can help.

Just remember, while a trainer might be expensive, you’re investing in your brand (yourself) so it’s worth it. Oh, and no amount of exercise is going to fix a bad diet, so tips #1 and #2 go hand-in-hand.

drink water to stay hydrated

#3: Stay hydrated.

I’m not trying to be your annoying mom, but you must stay hydrated. Water is life and so many models forget to drink enough. Not only will it keep you feeling good, but it will also keep your body running right and your skin looking clear and plump.

When you’re working, keep a bottle of water by your side and when you’re not working, chug that liquid gold; at least a half-gallon every single day.

take breaks

#4: Take breaks.

Camming is your job, not your life. Many cam models make the mistake of spending every waking moment thinking about their cam shows, the things customers have said, or the fact that the traffic to their shows is lacking. Of course, you do have to think about these things to make sure you’re making money, but you do have to have an outside life as well.

It is very important that you step away from the computer and the webcam frequently. Find things you enjoy doing in your downtime and do them. When you’re off from working your shows, stay off of the computer and just do you.

I’d like to mention that major companies like Chevron often require that employees take breaks and get off the computer for 15 minutes or so throughout the day. They know that staying seated and working non-stop is less productive and unhealthy. Multi-billion dollar companies cannot be wrong and they’re not making suggestions without doing research, so take that for what it’s worth.

Not only will it give you a breather, but it will also help keep your head clearer.

talk to others

#5: Have someone you can talk to.

Working from home can be very isolating, even if you’re doing shows for people who are talking to you. You don’t have any coworkers to vent to and it can be hard to find people that understand what you’re going through on your bad days. That’s why I recommend having someone that you can trust to talk to.

This may be difficult for you if you’re hiding what you’re doing from those that you know and love, I get it. But you definitely need someone that will listen, offer advice, and be a sounding board when things go awry and a cheerleader when things are going well. Camming isn’t something to be ashamed of, however, if you don’t have one person in your life that will be supportive, there are always apps and other online options to find someone to talk with.

Clean Desk

#6: Keep your toys and workspace clean.

I really wish I didn’t have to write this one out, but unfortunately, I do. Gurls, keep your toys, workspace, and anything else you’re using in shows C-L-E-A-N. There is nothing more disgusting than a show where you can see stains on bedding, the toys look caked in lady-goo, and things just look unsanitary.

If you’re using silicone or hard plastic, wash with warm water and soap or a toy disinfectant. Glass and stainless-steel items can be washed in the dishwasher. Bedding should be bleached when possible and thrown away if the stains aren’t coming out and nylon or leather should be spot-cleaned and laid out to dry.

You also want to disinfect that gross keyboard and your computer and anything else you might touch during a show. The average keyboard has five times the amount of bacteria and viruses than a toilet according to the CDC. To say that’s gross is an understatement.

Make it a habit to keep your environment clean and you’ll keep yourself from getting sick and you won’t be putting on shows that look second-rate. You’ll also keep your lady-bits from getting irritated and having other issues that can knock you out of the cam shows for a bit of time until things are back up to par if you know what I mean.

std check ups

#7: Keep yourself checked for STI’s/STD’s.

This is good practice for everyone who is sexually active and there is no shame in keeping that information current. But, this is even more important for those cam models who are playing with other people in their shows. It doesn’t matter if you’re “only playing with women” either, women can spread sexually transmitted diseases just as easily as men can.

Please, this is your life and no amount of money is worth dying over. Only play with someone that can provide proof (that’s current) that they are clean and if you’re going to share toys, keep them clean and strongly consider using condoms on the toys, and/or with the other person as well.

28 day menstrual cycle

#8: Plan for menstrual cycles.

If you’re having periods, you’re probably wondering what the heck you can do during that week in your cam shows. Well, you actually have a few options.

First, you could totally go low-key during that week and limit what you do. This could include things like:

  • Using toys over your underwear
  • Clitoral stimulation while focused on your face as you orgasm
  • Blow jobs on toys/with partner
  • Oil/sensual massage show

If you still want to perform, you can do that too with a little planning. Tampons with a cut string can easily be hidden from view, although this will only allow for clitoral stimulation. You can use a Diva Cup, which allows for some stimulation with a toy or your fingers, just be careful you don’t bump the cup out of place.

There are different types of birth control that make menstrual cycles lighter or completely take them away, as well. Talk to your gynecologist about what would work for best for you, but your options include a sponge (please do not use a bath sponge, this is a special type of birth control), an IUD, and some types of birth control pills.

Conclusion: Taking Care of You is Important

As a cam girl, your brand is you. For you to make money, you need to make sure that you’re healthy, looking your best, and feeling good, mentally and physically. If even one of these things is “off,” it can not only affect your shows, it can ruin your cam career before you’ve even got it going. So, my dears, make sure you’re doing everything possible to take care of your fitness and health and I promise you, it will make your cam shows better and bring in those bigger bucks to your bank account.

Cam To Cam Advice

Today, even though there are many free group chat cam sites (you know, those Streamate gold shows), it’s still really, really popular for fanatics to want a one on one or cam to cam chat. That’s something that I get requests for pretty much daily. However, if you’re new to camming and consumers don’t know you, then you might not get as many requests initially. Regardless, you need to know how to handle the exclusive chats. I’ve provided you with some 1-on-1 chat advice if you plan on doing these types of shows (which you should)!

cam to cam

Cam To Cam Advice From An Active Model

I’ll kick this off by stating the obvious…camming isn’t always an easy job, even though many people don’t consider a cam modeling gig an actual job at all! Well, I promise you, working as a webcam model is definitely a job and one that you have to do well to make decent money at if you hustle.

The question I get from a lot of girls looking at starting their cam career is, “How do I successfully do cam shows?” I mean, that’s pretty much your bread and butter and if you’re not doing it right, you’re not going to make bank. But, what is right?

If you’re considering becoming a cam girl and you’re curious as to how to do a cam show, keep reading to find out my “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of performing on your webcam so you’ll be the next sex kitten success.

broadband internet speed

How to Get Started-Set Up Your Equipment

Since camming is definitely a business (your business, isn’t that amazing?), you need the right equipment before you can even think about getting started. Before you can have world-class cam shows, you need a computer or laptop with high-speed broadband. The absolute minimum I would recommend would be 1.5Mbs, otherwise, your shows are going to lag, and clients are going to get cranky and leave.

The other obvious piece of equipment you need is a pretty good webcam. Don’t skimp here. In fact, if you want to up your game, get a few webcams that will show you from different angles and even better, get cams with remote control capability.

The more your clients can see and the more control you have of your best angles, the better your shows and the more moolah you’re going to make.

bedroom lighting

Figure Out Those Lighting and Camera Settings

What’s the most important thing? Well, it just may be cam girl lighting. Once you have your webcam and computer ready, you need to play around with settings and lighting.

Lighting is as important for a webcam model as a traditional fashion model. When you’re on the cam, you want to look your best and trust me, lighting can highlight your assets and hide those things you’re not as enthused with about your body.

Practice recording yourself and play around with color saturation, so you don’t look washed out. This is easily adjusted on your computer. And definitely avoid using natural daylight or direct artificial light-both make you either look too shadowed or too bright.

Choose Your Cam Site

This step is a little trickier, especially because there are so many cam sites out there. There are many things to consider when you choose a site, including:

  • Pay-per-minute vs. Tips-based
    • Tips-based sites are a great way to get your feet wet in the camming world, but you’re totally dependent on people showing up when you’re there. Pay-per-minute sites are typically for girls with a following of steady clients that pretty much arrange their schedules around the shows.
  • Larger established site vs. Smaller, lesser-known site
    • Big sites have a ton of girls and a ton of competition. Smaller sites just don’t always have the traffic. You want to find a site that has a nice balance.
  • Consider fetish work
    • Girls that have a particular marketable fetish often have an easier time finding a place for themselves on the bigger sites. Men like women that aren’t afraid to be a little kinky, so definitely give it some consideration.

Once you have decided on a cam site, you’ll want to set up your profile. You want to stand out from the crowd, and this is where you’ll do that.

Make sure that you complete the profile in full and make it fun and flirty, choose an easy to remember username, and seriously consider having pro pictures taken of yourself to upload.

This is your introduction to your potential clients, and you want to lure them in, so they’ll watch your shows and hopefully get hooked on you!

Finally, I always make sure to list the things I won’t do on my cam shows in my profile. Look, you’re going to get some really weird guys.

These guys are totally going to want you to do things you’re not comfortable with, so its best to head that off at the pass as much as you can. Make sure you’re direct and never feel badly if you don’t feel comfortable doing something on your show.


It’s Showtime!

Now that you’ve got all your ducks in a line, it’s time for that cam show to get rolling. You’re going to be nervous; we all are during our first few shows.

This is totally normal and before long, you’re going to be a pro that doesn’t get those nervous butterflies anymore, and instead, you’re going to be addicted to the accolades you’re going to get.

The best way to get yourself acclimated to being sexy on camera is to adopt a persona that isn’t “you”. I mentally give myself a sexy name and alter-ego that just makes men melt. Adopt a naughty version of yourself and you’ll be amazed how it increases your on-screen confidence.

I also like to get props, such as sex toys, sexy outfits, and lingerie, experiment with wigs, glasses, and makeup, and as much as I hate to say this, I make sure that my work area is clean, neat, and looks inviting.

Do not try to do your shows in a dirty room with clothes everywhere and looking like you’re a slob. No guy is turned on by that; remember, they’re paying for a fantasy and you need to keep that fantasy going.

Here are some other “Do’s” I would recommend when you’re doing your cam shows:

  • Smile and stay positive
    • Yes, this seems simple, but many girls go into this so nervous that they don’t remember to smile. More smiles equal more tips/pay, trust me on this one. And unless your fetish work/persona involves being stern, mean, or dominant, keep an upbeat attitude as well.
  • Make a plan
    • Just like any other job, camming requires some preparation for your shows. This includes what things you’ll do (or not do), what toys you have available, and what things you’ll offer (games, high tip prizes, videos, photos). Disorganized shows don’t get repeat clients.
  • Move around
    • Sitting like a brick is not a turn on. Guys want to see a real woman and they want to see your body. Touch yourself, giggle, flip your hair, put those boobs into their faces. Do whatever works!
  • Wear what you’re comfortable in
    • If you’re not comfortable in super slutty looking clothing, don’t wear it. Your clients will pick up on that. Consider dressing for the persona you’ve created, like a tomboy would wear sports jerseys and knee-high socks, or if you’re nerdy, wear fandom clothes and nerd glasses. Experiment with what works for you.
  • Encourage your clients to ask for what they want
    • Some guys are shy and need to be drawn out of their shells so its great to make yourself feel approachable. Encourage them to ask you to do things.
  • Have water ready
    • You’re going to be talking A LOT. You’re going to get super thirsty. Having water, or whatever beverage you enjoy, on hand, will make that a much easier thing to deal with and you won’t have to get up and leave your show, which is a huge tip killer.

Now that you’ve gotten the “Do’s,” here are some “Don’ts” for cam shows.

  • Don’t overdo it with drinking on camera
    • Girlfriend, a drunk cam show is a no-no. Yes, you’ll feel more relaxed and you may do more in a show, but you might also do things you’re not ok with or you might blackout. Definitely avoid too much of the alcohol.
  • Don’t be afraid to say no
    • While I recommend encouraging men to ask you for what they’d like to see done, I do this with an asterisk. Don’t feel like you have to do things you aren’t comfortable doing and if someone gets abusive, block them.
  • Don’t overpromise
    • If you start promising men that you’ll do this, that, and the other and something happens that makes it impossible for you to accomplish what you’ve promised, you’re underdelivering and I promise you that you’ll lose clients. Only promise things you can actually get done.
  • Don’t move too fast
    • If you are having a show and you do everything you’re asked without a little buildup, do you think men will get excited and stick around, which means you’ll earn more money? The answer is, “No”. If men are given everything they want right away, they leave. There is no incentive to stick around. Go slow, but not too slow. Guys that are bored will leave too.

Don’t Forget…

Every cam girl started somewhere, and nobody knew everything from the start. There is a definite learning curve that every single cam model has to go through and you’re going to make mistakes. However, if you remain patient, respectful, and you continue to improve yourself and your shows, there is no doubt that you’ll become a successful cam model.

Now, if you need more advice, just head back to my homepage and read more articles. You’ll be fine, I know it.

Please do not copy my site!

